Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wealthy Affiliate Discount

Hey Folks,

It is official that this blog needs a giant revamp. I have quit almost everything on this site and now just do my affiliate marketing. But I know I can still keep this blog so I will just abuse it when I have an extra minute to post or when I need a backlink for a site. I mean, why not? I have had this blog for a year and a half now so it has some great history and stuff gets indexed quickly.

Anyway, a place that I always need backlinks for my sites is on Squidoo. I recently created one about the Wealthy Affiliate Discount that needs indexed ($10 off your membership if you are wondering). Also, I have my new pride and joy. In fact, this jpetals Squidoo lens is likely the place I spend the most time online updating. I have included everything that has helped make me successful for free. Anyway, I really dig it. lol

TwitterCounter for @jpetals

Also, if you use Twitter, visit my Twittering lens and add your Twitter URL and follow some new friends. Over 50 Twitter IDs added already.


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