Sunday, May 18, 2008

Part 3 - Traffic Exchanges

This is the last installment to the series on promoting sites. In part 1 explained the importance of promoting your site/blog. In part 2 I explained how to create a splash page and where to use it.

I will use this Part to discuss the different Traffic exchange sites I use. The most important thing to remember is that these sites are most generally being used for the same purpose as you are using them. Members join them to promote their programs and surf to earn credits to promote these programs. That is why it is important to create a splash page that sets you apart from the rest. It needs to be something that people want to click.

Some traffic exchanges have a little more flash or are easier to navigate. But in the end, they are all the same. You click links to earn credits to bring more people to your site. It could get very tedious to describe the minute details of each traffic exchange I belong to.

I will give you the list of sites I belong to in the order that I prefer them, but you may have different preferences so it does not mean that you will enjoy #1 as much as I do.

#1 Trafficera A bit different because you send emails to your team and share a lot of information.
#2 Smiley Traffic A regular traffic exchange that does not have to be refreshed often. Easy to leave open during your regular internet surfing. You can also earn cash for surfing.
#3 Traffic Swarm Easy to navigate. It does log you out quickly.

Simply click the name of the traffic exchange to join.

Thanks for reading the three parts to this series. I hope it has helped you learn the basics of promoting a site.

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Oliver dela Torre said...

Wow thats great, I'm using easyhits4u traffic exchange. I already added you to my blog page. I hope I can help you to make your blog site RANK to PR 4. Take Care and thank you for adding my link to your page.

edundayo said...

Nice, to know those really works. I got to know trafficera few weeks ago and I'm already try it out. Besides, your blog is really an ispiration to me, as most of the Gurus you hear around tell you to stay away from free blog hosted on public domain if you want to be successful, but I bet your blog here with a PR 3 will sure beats a whole lot of site it. Kudos! Keep it Up.

JPetals said...

Thank you for your kind comments god's property. I know they strongly suggest that you move your blog, but it's almost of a project of mine now to see how high up I can climb. Thank you.